Med fare for aa bryta copyright og faa nokon paa nakken, gjev eg att ei melding fraa ei av avisene i Soer Sudan. Denne hendinga kjem i tillegg til fleire andre hendingar siste veka, der spenninga var saa stor at me snakka alvorleg om evakuering. Heldigvis har situasjonen roa seg ned, og i dag er byen nesten normal.
Cattle raiders kill 54 in Sudan's Eastern Equatoria
Sudan Tribune - May 12
JUBA - At least 54 people were killed recently in Eastern Equatoria after unexpected attack by Toposa cattle raiders from Southern Sudan on Lauro Payam village, Budi county.
The Commissioner of Budi County, Oreste Lopara, said in a press statement that a group of the heavy armed Toposa tribesmen, estimated at one battalion in a military formation, attacked Lauro Payam (24 miles South of Kapoeta) on May 4, and killed 54 people, five men and 49 women and children, wounding 11: three babies, four women and four men and abducted one infant.
Many women, children and the elderly are said to have scattered all over the bushes of Lauro to escape the onslaught, which is reported to have ensued for three days.
Commissioner Lopara said he informed the EES authorities in Torit about the incident. He said the EES Governor, Aloysius Emor Ojetuk, ordered him to move to Kapoeta from where he was given two Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) Companies to accompany him in order to assess the damages caused by the attackers and help restore calm to Lauro. Commissioner Lopara said two kraals with over 400 heads of cattle and over 400 goats were emptied by the attacking Toposa tribesmen.
The Toposa tribesmen are known for their cattle rustling operations, which they normally carry out against the Otuho, Didinga and Boya tribes in EES.
Commissioner Opara said the situation is calm and under the control of the authorities, whom, he said, moved in to stop the escalation of what seemed to be leading to a major showdown between the Toposa and the Didinga tribe in EES.
The Toposa cattle raiders who are based near Sudan Kenya border, are known for their raids in Southern Sudan and Kenya. The Toposa were considered as local allies by the Sudanese army before the of the war. They helped in the fight against the former rebel SPLA forces in the region.
3 kommentarer:
Et sørgelig tegn på at forholdene i Sør-Sudan er i ferd med å bli "normalisert"
Kvifor var so mange kvinner og barn drepne? Er det målet å drepa dei?
Noko mindre sørgjeleg... det har kome ein del artiklar i BT om kampen min for å få Bergenstesten på nynorsk. Om du er interessert kan du lesa dei her, her og her.
Tja, kven veit? Massakren er truleg hevn for tidlegare kvegtjueri og drap. Kanskje ein utspekulert maate aa sikra seg at hevnen raaka bygda paa verste maate. Kvinnene arbeidde paa aakrane og hadde med seg borna paa ryggen.
Men elles: sidan tamilar er alle stader, og tilogmed sel kaffi paa maanen, er det berre rett og rimeleg at ein indisk tamil reiser kampen mot spraakleg urett i Noreg. Staa paa!
Og saa var det kjekt aa sjaa eit andlet bak oskeladdennamnet...
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