Eg les i Klassekampen at Noreg i løpet av dei siste 60 åra har gitt utviklingshjelp til Afrika tilsvarande omlag 1 milliard US dollar. Til samanlikning kan eg nemna at presidenten i dette landet sist mandag tildelte omlag 1 milliard US dollar til bygging av diverse offentlege bygningar og prosjekt i hovudstaden, der lykkeslottet og gatelysa (sjaa siste post) er nokre av mange tilsvarande tiltak.
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Berdymuhamedov Goes Grocery Shopping and Town Hopping
Ashgabat, 14 Apr—It was drizzling the whole day Tuesday and President Berdymuhamedov made a spur of the moment decision to do some town hopping and grocery shopping.
He drove unannounced to a school in Herikgala settlement in Ruhbat district where the pupils were thrilled to see the president. Berdymuhamedov talked to students and teachers, visited some classrooms, and issued orders for construction of new school and clinic buildings there.
Then he headed to the main market in Abadan (formerly Buzmeyin), an industrial town some 25 kilometers west of Ashgabat, where he bought two cuts of beef and half a kilogram of sour cream, and fired the deputy governor of the town for poor sanitary conditions.
Further west, in Goekdepe district, the president visited the textile complex that is one of the main non-agriculture job providers in the area. He spoke to some young factory workers and gave advice on thrift, caution and a healthy way of life. He asked them to steer clear of social evils and drug addiction.
On the way back to Ashgabat, the president stopped at some wheat fields, and looked at the construction work on public housing projects in Gurtly settlement.
Chairperson of the parliament, and deputy prime ministers for education and health, construction, and transportation, plucked from their offices, accompanied the president in the road trip. /// nCa
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