Bloggskrivaren, den einaste i korrekt planteantrekk: dongeri og strikkejakke. |
Alt var tilrettelagd, med ferdiggravd hol for kvar tre, spade, og vassbøtte for dei forste hola. 'Skal du koma attende neste år for å sjå resultatet av innsatsen din må du planta sju tre', sa ein diplomatkollega. 'Seks av sju tre vil døy på grunn av vassmangel'.
Typisk turkmensk arbeidsantrekk for treplanting: svart dress og lakksko. |
GB Shovel-starts Tree Plantation Campaign
Turkmenbashy, 9 Oct—The autumn tree plantation campaign started 9 Oct with shoveling-in of hundreds of pine saplings in Avaza. President Berdymuhamedov planted the first sapling, followed immediately by heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations, cabinet members, and elders.
In all, 324000 saplings were planted on 9 Oct. The week-long campaign is expected to add some two million saplings to the green treasure of Turkmenistan. In addition to pine, these would include arborvitae, Arizona cypress, Turkmen juniper, mulberry, almond, ash and poplar.
Most of the sites would be irrigated through drip irrigation system. /// nCa
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