tirsdag, august 17, 2010

Og livet leikar i Turkmenistan...

Utsikt fra Presidenten si takleiligheit i Awasa
Trass i målsetjinga om å utvikla eit av verdas beste ferieparadis, har dette landet framleis ein del å læra om korleis ein yter service til gjestene sine:
"Late in the evening on 31 July all holiday-makers in the tourist zone Avaza, located on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea, were urgently evicted from their hotels and were forced to leave the recreation zone. The reason was the President’s upcoming visit there. The staff members of the President’s security service and representatives of the local authorities demanded that the tourists immediately leave the territory of Avaza. No alternative accommodations to continue their holidays and reimbursements for the pre-paid hotel stays were offered to them".

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