mandag, mai 04, 2009

Vi går mot ein varm sommar

Luftkondisjonering er nyttig når gradestokken kryp mot 50, men kanskje er utstyret ikkje så vakkert reint arkitektonisk. I byen min vert det no gjort noko med dette (den arkitektoniske biten), sjå link eller kommentar. Dette gjeld fyrst og fremst dei som bur langs gatene den ærverdige brukar når han skal heim om kvelden. I tillegg til at folk i dette tilfellet fekk 2 dagar på seg til å fjerna alt utstyr som kan gjera dei varme sommardagane levelege, har dei - etter sigende - også fått instruks om at alle vindauger som vender mot gata skal vera lukka mellom klokka seks og ni om kvelden, og at dei heller ikkje får lov å stå nær vindauga i denne tida. Det kan jo vera at den ærverdige kjem forbi... Om det er estetiske grunnar til at folk skal gjerast usynlege er uvisst.

1 kommentar:

brita sa...

Air conditioners under target

Continuing the successful fight against privately-owned satellite aerials, the Turkmen authorities have now started to dismantle another, very specific, type of private property belonging to Ashgabat residents – air-conditioning units.

The process of dismantling these units in Ashgabat was launched late March, in the run up to the hot, in the proper sense of the word, season.

The residents of apartment blocks received written notifications (one of them is shown on the photo) which run: “We ask you to remove your air-conditioners within 2 days. In case of non-obedience, administrative measures will be applied”. Identical warnings were also posted in the Turkmen language.

The inhabitants of the recently-constructed and populated residential district of the capital Mir-5, residing in the apartment buildings and houses along the main road (Aytakov street) were among the first victims of this innovation. Staff members of the local housing administration forced them to remove their air-conditioners, both regular units and split-system air-conditioners. Moreover, if the residents did not manage to remove the air-conditioners within the set time-frame, they were dismantled by a team of workers with the help of specially-designated vehicles. Furthermore, the inhabitants were subsequently urged to pay for dismantling the air-conditioners (150 000 manats) and the use of the specialized machinery.

No comprehensive explanations were given to people who were deprived of air-conditioners and cool air. No alternative was offered.

When the inhabitants expressed their intention to file a complaint to the local khyakimlik, the same employees said that it was useless to complain to the municipal khyakimlik’s office since the instructions were issued by the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the hottest season which is starting now and will last till end of September, the temperature may often increase to + 45 С. In multi-family apartment buildings which are built from concrete plates, the room temperature may rise up to + 60 С, if it is not cooled by air-conditioners. Leaving people under these conditions without air-conditioners – especially, the elderly, sick or children means making them suffer.

It is difficult to realize what the officials from the Cabinet of Ministries were guided by, when implementing this initiative. This may be perceived as another “strength tense” for the Turkmen citizens.